George Boyko
November 15, 1940 to July 29, 2006
This page is a small tribute to my dad, George Boyko. I hope you like it.

1956, Vernon, BC.

An early photo of Dad in the army.

Dad with Steve sometime in the late 1960s.

Mom and Dad on their wedding day.

Dad washing Angela in the tub.

My athletic dad!

This has got to be in the 1970s. Steve, Angela, Mom and Dad.

Dad becoming a warrant officer.

January 1980: Fred, Al and Dad in the background, with their mother Helen in the front.

Dad and I at my university graduation in 1989.

Dad at Armed Forces Day in Gagetown, probably in the 1990s.

Dad with Nick at Canada Day in downtown Fredericton.

Dad with the car Alexandra at Amherst, NS.

He always liked to play Lego with Nick.

Lauren and Grampie, February 9, 2003.

Hanging out with Lauren, April 4, 2005.

Playing with puppies on our front step, April 14, 2006.

Dad with baby Jamie, May 4, 2006.

Jamie and Dad, May 22, 2006.

Dad in Cranbrook, BC.

Fred, Al and Dad with nephew Kenji.

Mom and Dad on vacation.

One of several write-ups in the local papers.